2. Use Cases


patienceFemale, 27-35 years old

International student, African (Nigeria, Somalia)

Mature student with children – BUSY!

Less comfort and experience with technology

Commutes long distances possibly using public transit

Student profile:

  • looking for more confidence with their school work
  • understand how to be successful at their assignments or just complete their assignments, what does the teacher want from me?
  • needs “just-in-time” access to the material
  • willing to put in the time to do the work
  • want something to take away with them, step-by-step instructions
  • basics are unfamiliar (not only research but also how to use Word)
  • citation is alien, often have a lack of understanding about academic honesty (lack of time and confidence may be the cause)
  • likes to watch videos but also needs a takeaway
  • may not have done online learning in the past
  • will likely work in computer labs or the public library, can’t get any work done at home!

Our initial ideas:

  • chunking material might be more useful
  • step-by-step printable instructions for everything
  • links to how-to’s for Word (videos, templates or print instructions)
  • links to specific citation help (nursing libguide)
  • tie into an assignment (need to get sample assignments)
  • wants to be guided through the lesson, linear tutorial might be best


chad2Male, early 20s

Domestic student

Has free time – no kids, might have part-time job

Has some undergrad

Very comfortable with technology

Commuter, short distance, drives (or might live in res)

Student profile:

  • impatient researcher, short attention span, has searching strategies/habits already, and may be unwilling to change them
  • unlikely to seek out help from the library, but may be willing to learn online, has likely done online learning in the past
  • wants to be in control
  • sense of superiority – might underestimate the workload at college
  • likes to watch videos, will not print out handouts
  • will use technology to his advantage – e.g. citation generator
  • feels he deserves high grades, may put in the work if he knows he can’t get high grades
  • “just-in-time” access to material
  • will likely do work at home

Our initial ideas:

  • will not want to go through a linear tutorial, will want to pick and choose his learning – we should create a quick way to access materials
  • include info about making citation generators work better for you


ashley2Female, late teens, early 20s

Domestic student

Has free time – no kids, might have part-time job

Just out of highschool, or may have some undergraduate or other school

Fairly comfortable with technology

Commuter, short distance, drives (or might live in res)

Student profile:

  • doesn’t want to make the time investment in the BSCN just yet, want to do something practical, may go on to the BSCN later
  • scared and overwhelmed with APA
  • a loyal google searcher, teacher’s often complain about sources she uses
  • limited database experience
  • some experience with online learning
  • might need assistance intepreting assignments
  • likes to watch videos, will print stuff out
  • willing to try stuff but may need some help as well
  • she’s not afraid to ask for help
  • social learner, likes to chat, discuss
  • works on campus and at home

Our initial ideas:

  • would appreciate more practical based materials
  • may be better to have a scenario with some sort of emotion involved, making decisions for your patients, working through problem solving
  • may not work through a long linear tutorial, shorter scenarios would work better

Image credits, all from Noun Project:

Top image and middle image – by Mete Eraydın, TR 

Ashley image – By Gregor Črešnar